Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sewer/water problem at Garfield UMC fixed

This text was posted 11/7/2010: Thanks to John, Jim, Ray and Darrel for getting the Garfield UMC sewer/water problem solved so quickly!

This text was posted 10/31/2010: Temporary addition to Garfield UMC is this porta-potty. Plumbing problems made it a necessity. As a result the musical program originally set for "Thanksgiving time" in November will, instead, be held Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010, when it will be held in conjunction with Garfield’s traditional Starlight Parade and Santa visit. Program starting time will be announced later. But, tentatively, it will be about 4 or 4:30 p.m.

This text was posted 11/14/2010:
The concert will start at 3 p.m. At 4 p.m., there will be holiday craft sales in town. At 5 p.m. will be the parade and Sant visit.